Schloss Drachenburg 龍城堡


Schloss Drachenburg is a castle on Drachenfels in Königswinter, a town in the Rhein-Sieg district in North Rhine-Westphalia. It was built in record time from 1882 to 1884 in the style of historicism (especially Neofrühgotik on the exterior, as well as neo-renaissance in the interior) as a representative residence for Stephan von Sarter, who, however, never lived in the castle. After his death, the castle was subjected to several changes in use.

In 1986, Drachenburg Castle was listed as a National Monument and in 1990 the North Rhine-Westphalia Foundation Nature Conservation, Homeland and Cultural Care assumed. From 1995 to 2010, it was restored based on the original state and expanded to a kind of Gründerzeit museum with an emphasis on contemporary home decor. For the reconstruction of the entrance stairs, the restoration companies Bachmann & Wille and Bauhütte Quedlinburg won the 2011 Peter Parler Prize. The interiors as well as the murals and historicist stained glass were reconstructed as far as possible in the original design. The park is one of the founding members of the Garden of the Rhine between the Rhine and the Meuse and is integrated into the European Garden Heritage Network.

The fortress also houses the Museum of the History of Nature Conservation in Germany.

Schloss Drachenburg是位於北萊茵 – 威斯特法倫州Rhein-Sieg區Königswinter的Drachenfels城堡。它始建於創紀錄的時間1882年至1884年的歷史主義的風格(尤其是Neofrühgotik在外觀上,以及新文藝復興式的內部)為斯蒂芬·馮·薩特,誰沒有住在城堡居住的代表。在他去世後,城堡在使用中經歷了幾次變化。

1986年,Drachenburg城堡被列為國家紀念碑,1990年北萊茵 – 威斯特伐利亞基金會自然保護,家園和文化護理承擔。從1995年到2010年,它根據原始狀態進行了修復,並擴展為一種Gründerzeit博物館,重點是當代家居裝飾。為了重建入口樓梯,Bachmann&Wille和BauhütteQuedlinburg修復公司贏得了2011年Peter Parler獎。[2]在原始設計中盡可能重建內部以及壁畫和歷史主義彩色玻璃。該公園是萊茵河和默茲河之間萊茵河花園的創始成員之一,並與歐洲花園遺產網絡融為一體。


Der Erbauer Freiherr Stephan von Sarter (1833–1902)

Wilhelminian private villa

Schloss Drachenburg was built from 1882 to 1884 as a private villa for Bonn-born finance expert Stephan von Sarter. Coming from petty-bourgeois circumstances, Sarter had made a meteoric career as a punter on the Paris Stock Exchange and had come to wealth as an employee of Ferdinand de Lesseps. In 1881 he was able to raise thanks to his fortune in the baron. As Baron Stephan von Sarter he belonged from then on to the upscale society. For the construction of a befitting mansion Sarter chose not his adopted home Paris, but the much-visited Drachenfels within sight of his birthplace. As architects, the young Duesseldorf architects duo Bernhard Tüshaus and Leo von Abbema were initially committed. After that, living in Paris, former Cologne student Wilhelm Hoffmann was responsible for the further development. With the construction of Schloss Drachenburg, Sarter created a very self-confident and widely visible demonstration of his reputation and wealth, as well as a national monument referring to the founding of the Reich in 1871. He lived in Paris until his death in 1902 and never lived in the castle. He paid a total of 1.8 million gold marks for the building. In the castle is still his barons coat of arms with his motto: “Weigh and dare!” (Based on the motto of the bank Sal. Oppenheim “Weighing and Cart”, where he had made his education).


Schloss Drachenburg建於1882年至1884年,是波恩出生的金融專家Stephan von Sarter的私人別墅。來自小資產階級的情況,Sarter在巴黎證券交易所作為一個下注者,並作為Ferdinand de Lesseps的僱員獲得了財富。 1881年,他能夠感謝他在男爵中的財富。作為Baron Stephan von Sarter,他從那時起就屬於高檔社會。為了建造一座合適的豪宅,薩特選擇的並不是他自己的家鄉巴黎,而是在他的出生地看到了很多人參觀的Drachenfels。作為建築師,年輕的杜塞爾多夫建築師二人組BernhardTüshaus和Leo von Abbema最初致力於此。之後,居住在巴黎,前科隆學生Wilhelm Hoffmann負責進一步發展。隨著Schloss Drachenburg的建設,Sarter創造了一個非常自信和廣泛可見的聲譽和財富的證明,以及一個國家紀念碑,指的是1871年帝國的建立。他住在巴黎直到1902年去世,從未住在城堡裡。他為該建築物共支付了180萬金幣。城堡仍然是自由人的紋章是自己的座右銘:“稱量,敢於”(基於銀行薩爾奧本海姆“稱重和馬車”中,他做了他的教育的主題)。



ffeHistoricism and industrialization

The sumptuous ensemble was built in the style of so-called historicism, an architectural style of the 19th century, which was based on the architectural styles of bygone eras. With its abundance of turrets, oriels and battlements, the castle cites mainly medieval styles. The richly decorated architecture reflects the imperial worldview, art and culture. In contrast to the visible, medieval historicizing architecture, the building harbors modern technology of the 19th century. Gas lamps provided good lighting, central hot air heating for even temperatures. Spiral staircases made of standardized cast iron parts, a roof truss made of riveted steel girders, cast iron columns and the like. a. were skilfully integrated into the building, without compromising the desired overall impression of medieval craftsmanship. The modern construction made for the amazingly short construction time of only three years. Three architects, 20 specialist companies and 20 different artists together with three site managers and countless workers made for a rapid construction progress. Wagons and a donkey caravan transported the building material up the mountain – in the Siebengebirge, a veritable construction site was built.

奢華的建築以所謂的歷史主義風格建造,這是19世紀的建築風格,基於過去時代的建築風格。這座城堡擁有豐富的砲塔,城堡和城垛,主要以中世紀風格為主。裝飾華麗的建築反映了帝國的世界觀,藝術和文化。與可見的中世紀歷史建築相比,該建築擁有19世紀的現代技術。燃氣燈提供良好的照明,中央熱空氣加熱,溫度均勻。螺旋樓梯由標準化鑄鐵部件製成,屋頂桁架由鉚接鋼樑,鑄鐵柱等製成。一。巧妙地融入了建築,不影響中世紀工藝所需的整體印象。現代建築的建造時間驚人,僅為三年。三位建築師,20家專業公司和20位不同的藝術家以及三位現場經理和無數工人為快速建設進步做好了準備。貨車和驢車將建築材料運到山上 – 在Siebengebirge,建造了一個名副其實的建築工地。

Drachenburg with park, vertical shot / Drachenburg 垂直空拍照片




First tourist use

Baron Stephan von Sarter died childless and 1903 acquired the nephew Sarters, Jakob Hubert Biesenbach (1870-1947), Castle Drachenburg for 950,000 Mark. To make profitable use of his property, he opened the castle to the public. The interiors could be visited for a fee of 0.50 marks. In the Kunsthalle art objects were issued for sale. As a souvenir, visitors were offered richly illustrated castle guides, art postcards and picture books. In 1904 Biesenbach demolished the nearby castle courtyard, which still dates from the Middle Ages, and replaced it with a hotel and restaurant of the Swiss style for the accommodation and guest meals. The castle was also adapted to the new requirements, in the basement emerged a restaurant and various social rooms.


Baron Stephan von Sarter死於無子女,1903年獲得了侄子Sarters,Jakob Hubert Biesenbach(1870-1947),Castle Drachenburg獲得950,000 Mark。 為了有利可圖地使用他的財產,他向公眾開放了這座城堡。 可以訪問內部,費用為0.50馬克。 在Kunsthalle藝術品發佈出售。 作為紀念品,遊客可以獲得豐富的插圖城堡指南,藝術明信片和圖畫書。 1904年,比森巴赫拆除了附近的城堡庭院,該庭院的歷史可以追溯到中世紀,並取而代之的是瑞士風格的酒店和餐廳,供客人住宿和用餐。 城堡也適應了新的要求,在地下室出現了一個餐廳和各種社交室。

bailey 貝利

Nordic summer houses
For this purpose, in the following years, Nordic houses and log cabins were built in the castle park, offering accommodation for 2-3 guests in the summer. Their names were due to the popularity of Richard Wagner: Volker, Wotan, Brunhilde, Siegfried, Chrimhilde, Valkyrie, Tristan, Parsival and Isolde. The four last mentioned houses are – although often rebuilt – preserved until today, around this early example of a cottage settlement coniferous forests and a game reserve were created, which provided for a proper Nordic mood. In 1910 Biesenbach sold the castle to the Rittmeister a. D. Egbert of Simon. From 1923 the castle was owned by the Cologne manufacturer and merchant Hermann Flohr. Under both private owners remained castle and park largely unchanged.


為此,在接下來的幾年裡,北歐的房屋和小木屋都建在城堡公園內,夏天可容納2-3位客人。 他們的名字歸功於Richard Wagner的受歡迎程度:Volker,Wotan,Brunhilde,Siegfried,Chrimhilde,Valkyrie,Tristan,Parsival和Isolde。 最後提到的四所房子 – 雖然經常被重建 – 直到今天仍然存在,圍繞這個早期的小屋定居點的例子,針葉林和一個野生動物保護區被創建,這提供了一個適當的北歐情緒。 1910年,比森巴赫將城堡賣給了Rittmeister a。 D.西蒙的埃格伯特。 從1923年開始,這座城堡由科隆製造商和商人Hermann Flohr擁有。 在兩個私人業主下,城堡和公園基本保持不變。

Catholic Home School St. Michael
In 1931 Schloss Drachenburg was converted into a Catholic boarding school. The Order of the Brothers of Christian Schools used castle, park and log cabins as home school St. Michael. The school brothers combined in their pedagogy Catholic faith contents with the ideals of the youth movement. Simplicity, closeness to nature and friendly fellowship shaped the boarding school life.

Inventory auction and conversion
The school philosophy was incompatible with the magnificent interior design of the castle. Therefore, the inventory was already auctioned in 1930, the castle rooms were reused. Classrooms were created on the upper floor. The Kunsthalle served as a chapel, the Kneipzimmer as a sacristy. In the basement kitchen and dining rooms have been furnished. As suggestive equipment elements such as the Venus on the terrace of the same name or the bacchantes in the pub were removed or painted over. The students lived in the Nordic log cabins, which were rebuilt and expanded. The park was used for agriculture and enriched with a home garden, flowerbeds and greenhouses. In 1938 the school brothers had to yield to the political pressure of the National Socialists and close their home school. The syndic Brockelmann, who commissioned them to exercise their interests, offered the castle to the Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Popular Education for the accommodation of a national political school in August 1938, which rejected it the following month.

1931年,Schloss Drachenburg被改建為天主教寄宿學校。基督教學校兄弟勳章使用城堡,公園和小木屋作為家庭學校聖邁克爾。學校的兄弟們將他們的教育學天主教信仰內容與青年運動的理想結合起來。簡單,親近大自然和友好的團契塑造了寄宿學校的生活。

學校的理念與城堡宏偉的室內設計不相容。因此,庫存已於1930年拍賣,城堡房間被重複使用。教室在樓上創建。 Kunsthalle作為教堂,Kneipzimmer作為聖器收藏室。地下室廚房和餐廳配有家具。作為暗示設備元素,例如同名露台上的維納斯或酒吧中的酒神被移除或塗抹。學生們住在北歐小木屋裡,這些小木屋經過重建和擴建。該公園用於農業,並有家庭花園,花壇和溫室。 1938年,學校兄弟不得不屈服於國家社會主義者的政治壓力並關閉他們的家庭學校。他們的任務是保護自身利益律師Brockelmann提供的城堡在1938年8月,在科學,教育和文化住房全國政治學校買的,駁回其在下個月的帝國部。

Entdecken Sie Schloss Drachenburg!

From: SchlossDrachenburg

Schloss Drachenburg – Siebengebirge

From: Kopter-Bonn

Schlossleuchten’ at Schloss Drachenburg


eautiful castle and always worth a half day trip in combination with the “Drachenfels” view point. On the day on which I took the photo, the castle featured the art installation “Schlossleuchten”.
Travel information
You should use the “Drachenfelsbahn” up there if you don’t want to walk all the way up to the top, especially if you are there for “Schlossleuchten”, because you don’t want to walk all that way down the hill in the dark.

You can find more details and dates on their official website here:

美麗的城堡,總是值得半天旅行與“Drachenfels”觀點相結合。 在拍攝照片的那天,城堡展出了藝術裝置“Schlossleuchten”。
你應該在那裡使用“Drachenfelsbahn”,如果你不想一直走到頂部,特別是如果你在那裡“Schlossleuchten”,因為你不想一路走下山 黑暗。




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