Parc du Futuroscope 未來影視公園

Futuroscope, or Parc du Futuroscope is a French theme park based upon multimedia, cinematographic futuroscope and audio-visual techniques. It has several 3D cinemas and a few 4D cinemas along with other attractions and shows, some of which are the only examples in the world.

It is located in the department of Vienne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) north of Poitiers, in the communes of Chasseneuil-du-Poitou and Jaunay-Clan.

The park had 1.83 million visitors in 2015. In total, 50 million visitors have been to the park since it opened in 1987.

Futuroscope,或Parc du Futuroscope是一個法國主題公園,基於多媒體,電影未來鏡和視聽技術。 它有幾個3D電影院和一些4D電影院以及其他景點和表演,其中一些是世界上唯一的例子。



Slogan:Faites-vous plaisir, osez de nouvelles expériences
Location:Poitiers, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
Coordinates:46°40′09″N 0°22′08″ECoordinates: 46°40′09″N 0°22′08″E
Owner:Parc du Futuroscope
Opened May:31, 1987
Operating season:February to December
Area:131 acres (0.53 km2)

坐標:46°40’09“N 0°22’08”ECoordinates:46°40’09“N 0°22’08”E

1984 : 11 December, first stone placed by René Monory, president of the general council of Vienne.
1987 : 31 May, opens to the public with Kinémax, the Pavillon du Futuroscope and a play zone.
1988 : opening of the first Dynamique Cinéma – Monde des Enfants (the world of children) and the Showscan (the first part of the Pavillon de la Communication).
1989 : the Cinéma en Relief, the Cinéma 360° and the second part of the Pavillon de la Communication open, offering new spectacles to visitors.
1990 : opening of the Omnimax and the Gyrotour. Futuroscope produces its first film in 360° about the Tour de France.
1991 : inauguration of Cinéautomate in spring. The park receives its one-millionth visitor.
1992 : the Tapis Magique (Magic Carpet) and the Paysages d’Europe (Landscapes of Europe, a tow boat ride) open.
1993 : inauguration of Solido.
1994 : opening of Pavillon de la Vienne, a second Dynamique Cinéma and the Aquascope.
1995 : celebrating the centenary of cinema, inauguration of the Images Studio.
1996 : the IMAX 3D opens and presents Guillaumet, les Ailes du Courage (the Wings of Courage), a fiction in 3D by Jean-Jacques Annaud. The Showscan becomes the Cinéma Haute Résolution (High Resolution Cinema).
1997 : Futuroscope celebrates its 10th anniversary with a new evening spectacle, Le Lac aux Images (the Lake with Images). The Cinéautomate becomes Ciné-Jeu (Cinema Game) and Cyber Avenue opens up the Cyberworld to its visitors,. The Pavillon de la Communication presents a film produced by Futuroscope called Les Autoroutes de l’Information (The Motorways of Information).
1998: Cyber Avenue expands with Cybermédia offering 1600 m² (17,000 sq ft) of multimedia, Internet and video games. Imagic opens, mixing image with illusion. The Dynamique Cinéma 2 becomes Astratour with a film discovering satellites, produced by Futuroscope.
1999: opening of Images du Goût (Images of Taste) and The Workshop of Taste in the Pavillon du Futuroscope.
2000: opening of the IMAX 3D simulator: Le Défi d’Atlantis (Race for Atlantis). In June, the Gare TGV-Futuroscope (Futuroscope’s TGV Station) opened with a walkway allowing visitors to reach the heart of the park directly from the station (80 mins from Paris-Montparnasse).
2001: the inauguration of the new attractions: CyberWorld’, OceanOasis, Superstition et Métropole Défi (Metropolis Challenge). On 18 April, Futuroscope welcomed its 25-millionth visitor.
2002: opening of Destination Cosmos, a new evening spectacle conceived by Yves Pépin : Le Miroir d’Uranie (the Mirror of Uranie) and two new films: Sur les traces du Panda (China: The Panda Adventure) and Plongeurs sans Limite (Divers Without Limits).
2003: opening of the attraction La Cité du Numérique (the Digital City); 2 IMAX films: Space Station 3D and Percussions du Monde (Pulse: A Stomp Odyssey); 2 dynamique films: Les mélodies Aquatiques (Aquatic Melodies); and 2 new spectacles: Les Grandes Illusions (The Great Illusions), the Pavillon de la Créativité and an open air photograph exhibition.
2004: the season begins with a festival of the best Imax films. Jacques Perrin produces an exclusive new film for Tapis Magique, Voyageurs du Ciel et de la Mer (Travellers by Air and by Sea). Le Rêve d’Icare (Adrenaline Rush) produces new sensations in the Imax cinema.
2005: the arrival of many new attractions: Star du Futur ! (Star of the Future!); La Légende de l’Étalon Noir (The Young Black Stallion) in the Kinémax; the dynamique film Péril sur Akryls (Danger on Akryls) in Dynamique 1 and Les Yeux Grands Fermés (Journey into the Dark). On 27 April, the park welcomed its 30-millionth visitor, making it the second most visited theme park in France and the fifth in Europe.
2006: a new 3D film opens in Imax 3D, le Seigneur du Ring (Adventures in Animation 3D). This year, the Park is themed as the Year of the Robots, by opening on 5 April with Dances with Robots in the new House of the Robots. A new evening spectacle entitled the Forest of the Dreams also forms part of the theme.
2007: two new Imax films, Expédition Nil Bleu (Mystery of the Nile), Sous les Mers du Monde 3D (Deep Sea 3D), and a new version of the dynamic film La Vienne Dynamique.
2008: a new attraction based around the BBC’s programme The Future is Wild, a new Omnimax film (Dinosaurs), a new dynamic film (Laponie Express). On 10 July, the park welcomed its 35-millionth visitor.
2015: Cirque du Soleil announced a partnership with Futuroscope and will produce a new show called ‘La Forge aux étoiles’ to replace the ‘Lady O’ evening show. The show will premier on 6 February 2016 and perform 250-300 shows a year.
Futuroscope currently employs 600 people, including 400 temporary staff. Stages of the Tour de France cycle race have begun and ended at the park several times since its opening.

1987年5月31日,與Kinémax,Pavillon du Futuroscope和遊樂區一起向公眾開放。
1988年:開設第一個DynamiqueCinéma – Monde des Enfants(兒童世界)和Showscan(Pavillon de la Communication的第一部分)。
1989年:CinémaenRelief,Cinéma360°和Pavillon de la Communication的第二部分開放,為遊客提供新的眼鏡。
1990年:Omnimax和Gyrotour開幕。 Futuroscope製作了第一部關於環法自行車賽的360度電影。
1992年:Tapis Magique(Magic Carpet)和Paysages d’Europe(歐洲風景,拖船)開放。
1994年:Pavillon de la Vienne開幕,第二屆DynamiqueCinéma和Aquascope。
1996年:IMAX 3D開啟並呈現Guillaumet,les Ailes du Courage(勇氣之翼),由Jean-Jacques Annaud創作的3D小說。 Showscan成為CinémaHauteRésolution(高分辨率電影院)。
1997年:Futuroscope慶祝其成立10週年,新的夜景Le Lac aux Images(帶圖像的湖)。 Cinéautomate成為Ciné-Jeu(電影遊戲),Cyber​​ Avenue為其訪客打開了Cyber​​world。 Pavillon de la Communication展出了由Futuroscope製作的名為Les Autoroutes de l’Information(The Informationways of Information)的電影。
1998年:Cyber​​ Avenue與Cyber​​média合作擴展,提供1600平方米(17,000平方英尺)的多媒體,互聯網和視頻遊戲。 Imagic打開,混合圖像與幻覺。 DynamiqueCinéma2成為Astratour,由Futuroscope製作的電影發現衛星。
1999年:開放的圖像(Goutst圖像)和Pavillon du Futuroscope的品味研討會。
2000年:開放IMAX 3D模擬器:LeDéfid’Atlantis(亞特蘭蒂斯競賽)。 6月,Gare TGV-Futuroscope(Futuroscope的TGV站)開放,人行道可讓遊客直接從車站到達公園的中心(距巴黎蒙帕納斯80分鐘)。
2001年:新景點的落成:Cyber​​World’,OceanOasis,SuperstitionetMétropoleDéfi(Metropolis Challenge)。 4月18日,Futuroscope迎來了第2500萬名訪客。
2002年:開啟目的地宇宙,由YvesPépin設計的新夜景:Le Miroir d’Uranie(Uranie之鏡)和兩部新電影:Sur les traces du Panda(中國:熊貓冒險)和Plongeurs sans Limite(潛水員)沒有限制)。
2003年:LaCitéduNumérique(數字城市)開放景點; 2部IMAX電影:Space Station 3D和Percussions du Monde(Pulse:A Stomp Odyssey); 2部動態電影:LesmélodiesAquatiques(Aquatic Melodies);和2個新眼鏡:Les Grandes Illusions(The Great Illusions),Pavillon delaCréativité和露天攝影展。
2004年:本季將以最佳Imax電影節開始。 Jacques Perrin為Tapis Magique,Voyageurs du Ciel et de la Mer(Travel by Air and by Sea)製作了一部獨家新電影。 LeRêved’Icare(Adrenaline Rush)在Imax電影院中產生了新的感覺。
2005年:許多新景點的到來:Star du Futur! (未來之星!); Kinémax的LaLégendedel’ÉtalonNoir(The Young Black Stallion);在Dynamique 1和Les YeuxGrandsFermés(黑暗之旅)中的動畫電影PérilurAkryls(Akryls上的Danger)。 4月27日,公園迎來了第3000萬遊客,成為法國第二大訪問量最大的主題公園,歐洲第五大主題公園。
2006年:一部新的3D電影在Imax 3D,le Seigneur du Ring(動畫3D中的冒險)中開啟。今年,公園以機器人年為主題,於4月5日在新機器人之家與機器人共舞。一場名為“夢想之森”的新晚會也成為主題的一部分。
2007年:兩部新的Imax電影,ExpéditionNilBleu(尼羅河之謎),Sous les Mers du Monde 3D(深海3D),以及新版動態電影La Vienne Dynamique。
2008年:基於英國廣播公司的節目The Future is Wild,一部全新的Omnimax電影(Dinosaurs),一部全新的動態電影(Laponie Express)。 7月10日,該公園迎來了第3500萬遊客。
2015年:Cirque du Soleil宣布與Futuroscope合作,並將製作一個名為“La Forgeauxétoiles”的新節目,以取代’Lady O’晚會。該節目將於2016年2月6日舉行,每年舉辦250-300場演出。

L’Imax 3D

The ‘Travellers by Air and by Sea’ attraction

The pavilions of Futuroscope are mainly constructed of metal and glass, and their design by Denis Laming.

1987: The Futuroscope Pavilion, Kinémax
1988: The Dynamic Cinema 1, The Pavilion of Creativity
1989: The 360 °, the Cinema in Relief (the latter removed in 2004)
1990: The Omnimax, the Gyrotour
1992: The Magic Carpet
1993: The Solido
1994: The Pavillon de la Vienne, the Dynamic Cinema 2, the Aquascope
1995: Studio Images
1996: The Imax 3D
2000: The Imax 3D Dynamic, TGV-Futuroscope Station
2002: Destination Cosmos (formerly Aquascope)
2006: The Robot Pavilion
2008: The Animals of the Future
2013: Dances with Robots, by Martin Solveig
2014: The Rabbids Rabbids, Raving Rabbids – The Time Machine
2015: The Arena, The Fledgling Fire-fighters,

Futuroscope的展館主要由金屬和玻璃製成,由Denis Laming設計。

1994年:Pavillon de la Vienne,Dynamic Cinema 2,Aquascope
1996年:Imax 3D
2000:Imax 3D Dynamic,TGV-Futuroscope Station
2013年:Martin Solveig與機器人共舞
2014年:Rabbids Rabbids,Raving Rabbids – The Time Machine
2015年:The Arena,The Fledgling Fire-fighters,

The Futuroscope Pavilion, Kinémax /Kinémax未來影視館


N° Attraction Description Length
1 La Machine à Voyager dans le Temps (The Time Machine) Dark ride based on the game Raving Rabbids: Travel in Time featuring the Raving Rabbids 6 mins
2 La Vienne Dynamique (Dynamic Vienne) Dynamic movie theatre with added effects 20 mins
3 Chocs Cosmiques (Cosmic Collisions) Planetarium dome movie theatre 23 mins
4 L’Extraordinaire Voyage (The Extraordinary Journey) Flying Theater by Dynamic Attractions 4 mins
5 Le Monde des Enfants (Children’s World) 20 outdoor games –
6 Dynamic! Dynamic movie theatre featuring Virus Attack new 2014 5 mins
7 Les Mystères du Kube (The Kube Mysteries) Show with video-mapped scenery 25 mins
8 iMagic Magic show 25 mins
9 8e Continent, le jeu (The 8th Continent, the game) Interactive 5di movie theatre 8 mins
10 La Forge aux Étoiles Evening show by Cirque du Soleil 25 mins
11 Cyber Avenue Amusement arcade –
12 La Gyrotour Observation tower 7 mins
13 La Loi du Plus Fort (Tiny Giants) IMAX Laser 4K movie theatre 40 mins
14 Les Yeux Grands Fermés (Journey into the Dark) Walk-through in the dark 20 mins
15 L’Âge de Glace, l’Expérience 4D (Ice Age, the 4-D Experience) 4D movie theatre 12 mins
16 Les Ailes du Courage (Wings of Courage) 3D movie theatre 40 mins
17 L’Explorarium 3D IMAX Dome 25 mins
18 Futur l’Expo Fab lab / exhibition –
19 Arthur, l’Aventure 4D (Arthur, the 4D Adventure) 4D IMAX Dome 5 mins
20 Danse avec les Robots (Dances with Robots) Robocoaster 2 mins
21 Le Monde de l’invisible (Mysteries of the Unseen World) IMAX Dome 40 mins
22 L’Arena Fun Xperiences Sport and video games –

1 LaMachineàVoyagerdans le Temps(The Time Machine)黑闇騎行基於Raving Rabbids遊戲:時間旅行以Raving Rabbids為特色6分鐘
2 La Vienne Dynamique(動態維也納)動態電影院,增加效果20分鐘
3 Chocs Cosmiques(宇宙碰撞)天文館圓頂電影院23分鐘
5 Le Monde des Enfants(兒童世界)20個戶外遊戲 –
7LesMystèresduKube(The Kube Mysteries)展示了25分鐘的視頻地圖
8 iMagic Magic顯示25分鐘
9 8e Continent,le jeu(第8大陸,遊戲)互動5di電影院8分鐘
10太陽馬戲團La ForgeauxÉtoiles晚會25分鐘
11網絡大道遊樂場 –
12 La Gyrotour觀測塔7分鐘
13 La Loi du Plus Fort(Tiny Giants)IMAX Laser 4K電影院40分鐘
14 Les YeuxGrandsFermés(黑暗之旅)在黑暗中漫步20分鐘
15 L’ÂgedeGlace,l’Expérience4D(冰河世紀,4-D體驗)4D電影院12分鐘
16 Les Ailes du Courage(勇氣之翼)3D電影院40分鐘
17 L’Explorarium 3D IMAX Dome 25分鐘
18 Futur l’Expo Fab實驗室/展覽 –
19 Arthur,l’Aventure 4D(亞瑟,4D冒險)4D IMAX Dome 5分鐘
20 Danse avec les Robots(與機器人共舞)Robocoaster 2分鐘
21 Le Monde de l’invisible(看不見的世界的奧秘)IMAX Dome 40分鐘
22 L’Arena Fun Xperiences體育和視頻遊戲 –

The Solido


FROM:Futuroscope 2018 : on fait le tour du parc et on teste la VR 5D

FROM:Futuroscope Theme Park, France |

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