Temple of lempuyang luhur

Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang is a Balinese Hindu temple or pura located in the slope of Mount Lempuyang in Karangasem, Bali. Pempar Pagoda Agung Lempuyang is considered as part of a complex of pura surrounding Mount Lempuyang, one of the highly regarded temples of Bali. The temples of Mount Lempuyang, represented by the highest pura at the peak of Mount Lempuyang, Pura Lempuyang Luhur, is one of the Sad Kahyangan Jagad, or the “six sanctuaries of the world”, the six holiest places of worship on Bali.

Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang是巴厘島印度教寺廟或pura,位於巴厘島Karangasem的Lempuyang山坡。 Pempar Pagoda Agung Lempuyang被認為是環繞著Lempuyang山的一個複合體的一部分,Lempuyang是巴厘島備受推崇的寺廟之一。 Lempuyang山的寺廟由Lempuyang山峰最高的Pura,Pura Lempuyang Luhur所代表,是Sad Kahyangan Jagad之一,或者是世界六大聖殿,巴厘島上六個最神聖的禮拜場所。

General information
Type: Temple
Architectural style: Balinese
Address: Purwa Ayu Banjar, Tribuana Village, Abang Subdistrict, Karangasem
Country: Indonesia
Coordinates: 8 ° 23′29 ″ S 115 ° 37′53 ″ ECoordinates: 8 ° 23′29 ″ S 115 ° 37′53 ″ E
Elevation: 603 meters

地址:Karangasem阿邦街道Tribuana村Purwa Ayu Banjar
坐標:8°23’29“S 115°37’53”ECoordinates:8°23’29“S 115°37’53”E

The establishment of places of worship around Mount Lempuyang is believed to predate the majority of Hindu temples on the island of Bali. The puras of Mount Lempuyang, represented by Pura Lempuyang Luhur, the highest temple in the area, is grouped one complex of pura which represents the Pura Sad Kahyangan Luhur Lempuyang. The temple groups are considered as part of the Sad Kahyangan Jagad, or the “six sanctuaries of the world”, the six holiest places of worship on Bali. According to Balinese beliefs, they are the pivotal points of the island and are meant to provide spiritual balance to Bali. The temple groups of Mount Lempuyang is also one of the group of temples in Bali known as Pura Kahyangan Padma Bhuwana. Each of the temple in the Pura Kahyangan Padma Bhuwana marked each of the eight cardinal directions. Pura Lempuyang Luhur represents the direction of east (purwa) and the color white. This direction is associated with the domain of Balinese the god Iswara.

Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang was restored in 2001.

據信,在Lempuyang山周圍建立禮拜場所早於巴厘島的大多數印度教寺廟。以該地區最高的寺廟Pura Lempuyang Luhur為代表的Lempuyang山脈被分為一個pura複合體,代表Pura Sad Kahyangan Luhur Lempuyang。寺廟群被認為是Sad Kahyangan Jagad的一部分,或稱為“世界六大聖殿”,巴厘島六個最神聖的禮拜場所。根據巴厘島的信仰,它們是島上的關鍵點,旨在為巴厘島提供精神平衡。 Mount Lempuyang的寺廟群也是巴厘島的一個寺廟之一,被稱為Pura Kahyangan Padma Bhuwana。 Pura Kahyangan Padma Bhuwana的每個寺廟都標誌著八個主要方向中的每一個。 Pura Lempuyang Luhur代表東方(purwa)的方向和白色。這個方向與巴厘島神伊斯瓦拉的領域有關。

Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang於2001年修復。

Temple layout

Pura Penataran Agung is located on the slope of Mount Lempuyang 600 metres (2,000 ft) high above sea level. Mount Lempuyang, also known as Mount Lempuyang Luhur, is one of the most sacred natural points in Bali. The whole Lempuyang mountain was divided into three section which corresponds to the Balinese cosmology, the base of the mountain is known as Sang Ananta Bhoga and corresponds to the mount of Brahma, the middle part of the mountain is known as Sang Naga Basukih and corresponds to mount of Vishnu, while the top of the mountain is known as Sang Naga Taksaka and is considered as mount of Shiva. The sacred-most point of Mount Lempuyang is where the Pura Lempuyang Luhur is built. Pura Penataran Agung, also known as Pura Silawana Hyang Sar, is located in the middle part of the mountain; while at the base of the mountain, the Pura Dalem Dasar Lempuyang is built.

Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang is oriented toward the top of Mount Lempuyang. The temple compound is divided into three areas: the outer sanctum of the temple (jaba pisan or nistaning mandala), the middle sanctum (jaba tengah or madya mandala), and the inner main sanctum (jero or utamaning mandala).

Entrance to the outer sanctum (jaba pisan) is marked with a white-painted candi bentar split gate. Several bale (Balinese pavilions) are located in the outer sanctum, one of them is the rectangular bale gong (“gong pavilion”) where the gamelans are stored. Another bale in this courtyard is the bale kulkul where the percussive drum to call for prayer is placed.

Entrance to the middle sanctum (jaba tengah) is marked with three white-painted paduraksa portals. The entrance to the left is used for entry, while the entrance to the right is used for exit. The central door is usually closed and is only opened during the pura’s main festival e.g. the biannual piodalan festival. The central portal is where sacred objects, heirloom, and offerings could pass during festival time. All three flight of stairs which lead to the paduraksa portals is flanked with mythical figures of Naga. Sculptures inspired by the epic of Ramayana, e.g. of Arjuna, Bima, and Yudhistira dots the landscape of the stair climb. On the uppermost level of these is the statue of Krishna, the worldly form of Vishnu.

The uppermost inner sanctum (jero) is the most sacred courtyard of the Balinese temple. The courtyard of Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang features several meru towers and pelinggih shrines each dedicated to different gods and local deities. Several padmasana shrines in the shape of empty stone thrones, each are dedicated to the highest god of Hindu pantheon e.g. the Sang Hyang Widhi and the gods of the Trimurti.


Pura Penataran Agung酒店位於Mount Lempuyang山坡上,海拔600米(2,000英尺)。 Lempuyang山也被稱為Mount Lempuyang Luhur,是巴厘島最神聖的自然景點之一。整個Lempuyang山被分為三個部分,對應於巴厘島的宇宙學,山的基部被稱為Sang Ananta Bhoga,對應於Brahma山,山的中部被稱為Sang Naga Basukih,對應於毘濕奴山,而山頂被稱為Sang Naga Taksaka,被認為是濕婆山。 Lempuyang山最神聖的地方是Pura Lempuyang Luhur建造的地方。 Pura Penataran Agung,也被稱為Pura Silawana Hyang Sar,位於山的中部;而在山腳下,Pura Dalem Dasar Lempuyang就建成了。

Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang面向Lempuyang山頂。寺廟化合物分為三個區域:寺廟的外部密室(jaba pisan或nistaning mandala),中間密室(jaba tengah或madya mandala),以及內部主要密室(jero或utamaning mandala)。

外部聖殿(jaba pisan)的入口處標有白色彩繪的Candi bentar分裂門。幾個貝爾(巴厘島館)位於外部聖殿,其中一個是長方形的鑼(“宮殿亭”),存放著比德犬。在這個院子裡的另一個包是打包kulkul,在那裡放置要求祈禱的打擊樂鼓。

中間聖殿(jaba tengah)的入口處標有三個白色的paduraksa門戶。左邊的入口用於進入,而右邊的入口用於出口。中央門通常是關閉的,只在普拉的主要節日期間打開,例如一年一度的piodalan節日。中央門戶網站是節日期間神聖物品,傳家寶和祭品可以通過的地方。通往paduraksa門戶的所有三段樓梯都是神話般的納迦人物。受羅摩衍那史詩啟發的雕塑,例如: Arjuna,Bima和Yudhistira點綴著爬樓梯的景觀。在這些最上層的是克里希納的雕像,世俗形式的毘濕奴。

最上面的內部密室(jero)是巴厘島神廟中最神聖的庭院。 Pura Penataran Agung Lempuyang的庭院設有幾座meru塔和pelinggih神社,每座神廟都供奉不同的神和當地神靈。幾個padmasana神龕形狀的空石寶座,每個都獻給印度教萬神殿的最高神,例如Sang Hyang Widhi和Trimurti的眾神。




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