Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon 西貢巴黎圣母院大教堂

Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon (Vietnamese: Basilica of the Notre Dame Cathedral or Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral; French: Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Saigon), officially Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of The Immaculate Conception (Vietnamese: Basilica of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception; French: Basilique-Cathédrale Notre-Dame de l’Immaculée Conception) is a cathedral located in the downtown of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Founded by French colonists who was initially named it Notre-Dame Cathédrale de Saïgon, the cathedral was constructed between 1863 and 1880. It has two bell towers, reaching a height of 58 meters (190 feet).

西貢巴黎圣母院大教堂(越南:巴黎圣母院大教堂或西貢巴黎圣母院大教堂;法語:Basilique-CathédraleNotre-Dame de Saigon),正式聖母無原罪主教座堂 (越南語:聖母無原罪主教座堂;法語:Basilique-CathédraleNotre-Dame de l’ImmaculéeConcept)是位於越南胡志明市市中心的一座大教堂。 該教堂由法國殖民者建立,最初命名為Notre-DameCathédraledeSaïgon,建於1863年至1880年之間。它有兩座鐘樓,高度達58米(190英尺)。

Affiliation:Roman Catholic
District:Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh city
Ecclesiastical or organizational status:Cathedral
Year consecrated:1880
Location:Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Geographic coordinates:10°46′47″N 106°41′57″ECoordinates: 10°46′47″N 106°41′57″E
Architectural type:Church
Architectural style:Romanesque

地理坐標:10°46’47“N 106°41’57”ECoordinates:10°46’47“N 106°41’57”E


Following the French conquest of Cochinchina and Saigon, the Roman Catholic Church established a community and religious services for French colonialists. The first church was built on today’s Ngo Duc Ke Street. There had been a Vietnamese pagoda, which had been abandoned during the war. Bishop Lefevre decided to make this pagoda a church.

The last church was too small. Thus, in 1863, Admiral Bonard decided to build a wooden church on the bank of Charner canal (Kinh Lớn). Lefevre put the first stone for construction of the church on 28 March 1863. The construction was completed two years later and was called “Saigon Church”. When the wooden church was damaged by termites, all church services were held in the guest-chamber of the French Governor’s Palace. This palace would later be turned into a seminary until the Notre-Dame Cathedral was completed.

After the design competition, bids were accepted for construction. Again, J. Bourard was the successful bidder and became supervisor of constructions.

Originally, there were three proposed sites for construction:

On the site of the former test school (today, this is at the corner of Le Duan Boulevard and Hai Ba Trung Street).
At Kinh Lon (today it is Nguyễn Huệ Boulevard)
At the present site where the cathedral is situated.
All building materials were imported from France. The outside wall of the cathedral was built with bricks from Toulouse. Although the contractor did not use coated concrete, these bricks have retained their bright red color until today.

On 7 October 1877, Bishop Isidore Colombert laid the first stone in an inaugural ceremony. The construction of the cathedral took three years. On Easter Day, 11 April 1880, a blessing ceremony and ceremony of completion were solemnly organized in presence of the Governor of Cochinchina Charles Le Myre de Vilers. One can see the granite plate inside the main entry gate commemorating the start and completion dates and designer. The total cost was 2,500,000 French francs (nominal price of the mid to late 19th century). At the beginning, the cathedral was called State Cathedral due to the source of the construction funds.

In 1895, two bell towers were added to the cathedral, each 57.6 m high with six bronze bells with the total weight of 28.85 metric tonnes. The crosses were installed on the top of each tower of 3.5 m high, 2 m wide, 600 kg in weight. The total height of the cathedral to the top of the Cross is 60.5 m.

In the flower garden in front of the cathedral, there was a bronze statue of Pigneau de Behaine (also called Bishop of Adran) leading Prince Cảnh, the son of Emperor Gia Long by his right hand. The statue was made in France. In 1945, the statue was removed, but the foundation remains.

In 1959, Bishop Joseph Pham Van Thien, whose jurisdiction included Saigon parish, attended the Marian Congress held in Vatican and ordered a statue of Our Lady of Peace made with granite in Rome. When the statue arrived in Saigon on 16 February 1959, Bishop Pham Van Thien held a ceremony to install the statue on the empty base and presented the title of “Regina Pacis”. It was the same bishop who wrote the prayers “Notre-Dame bless the peace to Vietnam”. The next day, Cardinal Agagianian came from Rome to chair the closing ceremony of the Marian Congress and solemnly chaired the ceremony for the statue, thus the cathedral was then-on called Notre-Dame Cathedral.

In 1960, Pope John XXIII erected Roman Catholic dioceses in Vietnam and assigned archbishops to Hanoi, Huế and Saigon. The cathedral was titled Saigon Chief Cathedral. In 1962, Pope John XXIII anointed the Saigon Chief Cathedral, and conferred it the status of a basilica. From this time, this cathedral was called Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica.

在法國征服科欽奇納和西貢之後,羅馬天主教會為法國殖民者建立了社區和宗教服務。第一座教堂建於今天的Ngo Duc Ke街。曾經有一座越戰寶塔,在戰爭期間被遺棄了。主教Lefevre決定讓這座寶塔成為一座教堂。

最後一座教堂太小了。因此,在1863年,海軍上將博納德決定在查納運河(KinhLớn)岸邊建造一座木製教堂。 Lefevre於1863年3月28日為建造教堂奠定了第一塊石頭。建築工程於兩年後完工,被稱為“西貢教堂”。當木製教堂被白蟻破壞時,所有的教堂服務都在法國總督府的客房裡舉行。這座宮殿後來將變成神學院,直到巴黎圣母院大教堂建成。



在前測試學校的現場(今天,這是在Le Duan大道和Hai Ba Trung街的拐角處)。
在Kinh Lon(今天是NguyễnHuệBoulevard)

1877年10月7日,主教伊西多爾·科洛姆伯特在就職儀式上奠定了第一塊石頭。大教堂的建設花了三年時間。 1880年4月11日復活節,在Cochinchina州長Charles Le Myre de Vilers的陪同下,莊嚴地組織了祝福儀式和竣工儀式。人們可以看到主入口門內的花崗岩板,紀念開始和完工日期和設計師。總成本為2,500,000法國法郎(19世紀中後期的名義價格)。起初,由於建設資金的來源,大教堂被稱為州立大教堂。


在大教堂前的花園裡,有一尊名叫Pigneau de Behaine的青銅雕像(也稱為Adran主教),他的右手領著Gia Long皇帝的兒子Cảnh王子。雕像是在法國製造的。 1945年,雕像被移除,但基礎仍然存在。

1959年,主教約瑟夫範凡提主教,其管轄權包括西貢教區,參加了在梵蒂岡舉行的瑪麗安國會,並在羅馬訂購了一座用花崗岩製成的聖母和平雕像。當雕像於1959年2月16日抵達西貢時,Pham Van Thien主教舉行儀式,在空座上安裝雕像,並出示“Regina Pacis”的稱號。同一位主教寫了“Notre-Dame祝福越南和平”的祈禱文。第二天,紅衣主教Agagianian來自羅馬主持瑪麗安國會的閉幕式並莊嚴地主持了雕像的儀式,因此大教堂當時被稱為巴黎圣母院。

1960年,教皇約翰二十三世在越南建立了羅馬天主教教區,並指派大主教到河內,順化和西貢。大教堂名為西貢酋長大教堂。 1962年,教皇約翰二十三世任命西貢首席大教堂,並授予它大教堂的地位。從這時起,這座大教堂被稱為西貢聖母院大教堂。

21st century
During October 2005, the statue was reported to have shed tears, attracting thousands of people and forcing authorities to stop traffic around the Cathedral. However, the top clergy of the Catholic Church in Vietnam couldn’t confirm that the Virgin Mary statue in front of a cathedral had shed tears, which nevertheless failed to disperse the crowd flocking to the statue days after the incident. The reported ‘tear’ flowed down the right cheek of the face of the statue.

據報導,2005年10月,這座雕像流下了眼淚,吸引了數千人,並迫使當局停止在大教堂周圍交通。 然而,越南天主教會的頂級神職人員無法證實大教堂前的聖母瑪利亞雕像已經流下眼淚,但事件發生後幾天仍無法驅散人群湧向雕像。 據報導,“撕裂”流過雕像臉的右臉頰。

Special characteristics
All the original building materials were imported from France. Tiles have been carved with the words Guichard Carvin, Marseille St André France (perhaps stating the locality where the tiles were produced). Some tiles are carved with the words “Wang-Tai Saigon”. Many tiles have since been made in Ho Chi Minh City to replace the tiles that were damaged by the war. There are 56 glass squares supplied by the Lorin firm of Chartres province in France. The cathedral foundation was designed to bear ten times the weight of the cathedral.

所有原始建築材料均從法國進口。 瓷磚上雕刻著Guichard Carvin,MarseilleStAndréFrance(也許是說明瓷磚生產地點)。 有些瓷磚上刻有“Wang-Tai Saigon”字樣。 此後,許多瓷磚在胡志明市製造,以取代被戰爭損壞的瓷磚。 法國沙特爾省Lorin公司提供56個玻璃方塊。 大教堂的基礎設計承受了大教堂重量的十倍。


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