Daniel Libeskind’s New York architecture firm has revealed plans to build a museum in Kenya’s Rift Valley, comprising tapered and pointed structures that resemble stalactites.

Studio Libeskind was enlisted to design Ngaren: The Museum of Humankind by Kenyan paleoanthropologist, conservationist and politician Richard Leakey. It will be built on a cliff edge in Rift Valley, where Leakey found the most complete skeleton of early man, known as the Turkana Boy.

The museum is intended to provide an “unprecedented educational and scientific experience”, covering two million years of human history.

Daniel Libeskind的紐約建築公司已透露計劃在肯尼亞的裂谷建造一座博物館,其中包括類似鐘乳石的錐形和尖頭結構。

Studio Libeskind被邀請設計Ngaren:肯尼亞古人類學家,環保主義者和政治家Richard Leakey設計的人類博物館。 它將建在裂谷的懸崖邊緣,Leakey在那裡找到了最早的人類骨架,被稱為圖爾卡納男孩。


Museum to “anchor all walks of life to Africa” 博物館“將各行各業錨定到非洲”

It will track evolution, biodiversity, overpopulation, war, disease, the effects of climate change and the pivotal role of Africa.

“The museum will be a place for discovery, wonder, and contemplation,” said Libeskind. “Through the architecture and exhibitions, Ngaren will anchor all walks of life to Africa: the epicenter of human existence.”


“博物館將是一個發現,奇蹟和沈思的地方,”利伯斯金德說。 “通過建築和展覽,Ngaren將把各行各業錨定到非洲:人類生存的中心。”

The museum comprises two pointed structures that resemble hand-carved tools 博物館包括兩個尖頭結構,類似於手工雕刻的工具

Libeskind’s design comprise two structures modelled on some of the earliest hand tools used by humans to make carvings. In renderings, these appear to be built of stoney blocks sculpted into a tapered and pointed shape that resemble stalactites.

A third, dome-shaped building will complete the museum.

A sloped walkway featuring large planters and walls decorated with greenery will be carved into the hill, leading to a glazed entrance into the museum. The interiors are yet to be revealed but are expected to be “interactive and cutting-edge”.

Libeskind的設計包括兩個結構,模仿人類用於雕刻的一些最早的手工工具。 在渲染中,這些看起來是由雕刻成類似鐘乳石的錐形和尖角形狀的stoney塊構建的。


山坡上刻有一個傾斜的人行道,設有大型花盆和綠樹成蔭的牆壁,通往博物館的玻璃入口。 內部尚未透露,但預計將是“互動和前沿”。

Museum to break ground in 2022 博物館於2022年破土動工

“I created a series of dramatic spaces within the museum that are architecturally dynamic and provocative, creating a unique context for the museum’s exhibitions that does not pacify artifacts, but enhances and enlivens them,” said the architect.

Ngaren: The Museum of Humankind is expected to break ground in 2022 and open to the public in 2024.

Libeskind, 73, and Leakey, 74, are currently crowd-sourcing for the project on Rabble. The duo has raised $4.08 million (£3.15 million) of goal figure $7 million (£5.4 million) at the time of publication.



73歲的Libeskind和74歲的Leakey目前正在參與Rabble項目的眾籌。 該二人組在出版時籌集了408萬美元(315萬英鎊)的目標數字700萬美元(540萬英鎊)。

An entrance walkway will be carved into the site 一個入口走道將被雕刻到該網站

Leakey initiated Ngaren: The Museum of Humankind to follow years of exploration into the development of humankind – including acting as director of the National Museum of Kenya and head of the Kenyan Wildlife Service.

He hopes the museum can be used to address a number problems facing the human race today, such as climate change, sustainability, environmental awareness, understandings of race and ethnicity, extinction and technology.

Leakey發起了Ngaren:人類博物館跟隨多年探索人類的發展 – 包括擔任肯尼亞國家博物館館長和肯尼亞野生動物服務局局長。


Ngaren to be “call to action”| Ngaren是“行動呼籲”

“Ngaren is not just another museum, but a call to action,” he said.

“As we peer back through the fossil record, through layer upon layer of long extinct species, many of which thrived far longer that the human species is ever likely to do, we are reminded of our mortality as a species.”



Polish-American architect Daniel Libeskind founded Studio Daniel Libeskind in 1989 with his wife Nina.

The firm, which has offices in New York and Zurich, has completed a number other museums, including the Jewish Museum Berlin and accompanying education centre, the MO Museum in Lithuania, and the Museum of Military History in Dresden.

It also recently unveiled plans for an angular archeology museum in northern Chile.

波蘭裔美國建築師Daniel Libeskind於1989年與妻子Nina創立了Studio Daniel Libeskind。






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